Attention! Don't submit this request while driving!
Requests are handled Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. This form should NOT be used to report any kind of highway emergency or criminal activity. Report highway emergencies to 911 or the local State Police. Fields marked with* are required. Please submit the form only one time for each issue. If you encounter any problems submitting this form, please contact us at

Location Information


Route Number: (If available, can be obtained from the DOH road sign)
Road Name:*
Use this field to provide information to help us find the location in your request. Examples include nearby buildings or structures.

GPS Location

Use the map to find the location of the request. Clicking the map will drop a marker and update the GPS Latitude, Longitude. (Don't worry if you drop a marker accidently, the GPS Latitude, Longitude will update with every click)

GPS Information (Filled From the Map Above)

Description of Issue (Be as specific as possible):*

Your Information

Your First Name:*
Your Last Name:*
Your Email Address:*
Your Mailing Address:*
Your City:*
Your Zip Code*
Your Home Phone Number:*

 Your Business Number:

 Your Cell Phone Number: